
Congratulations, Class of 2024. Welcome to the FIFA Master Alumni!

On Friday, 19 July 2024, the 24th edition of the FIFA Master graduated, at a ceremony at Neuchâtel’s Castle.

This year's Patron was the President of the International Equestrian Federation (Fédération Equestre Internationale - FEI), Mr. Ingmar De Vos. Mr. De Vos delivered an inspirational speech, which the graduates surely won't forget.

The FMA Committee would like to congratulate and welcome the following as the newest members to the FIFA Master Alumni Association (Click here to view their class profile): 

Felipe Aires Caetano Pereira

Irving Alvarez

Philip Black

Anthony (Zhipeng) Cao

Dominique (Donghwun) Chang

Christopher Curulli

Yair De La Torre Rangel

Chiara Delsaut

Rasha Elghorour

Edie Finn

Pablo Gallego Perez

Ludovica Giorgetti

Lucie Guilgot

Cassandra Hesselink

Asif Hussain

Guo (Francesco) Jian

Arjun Khanna

Lucas Leusin Oaigen

Beatriz Loducca Sivieri

Paola Lopez Yrigoyen

Teresa Ouko Calleb

Guilherme Polgrymas

Pan Sa

Takuma Tobinaga

Abi Varghese Cheeran

Alice Yoon